Tuesday, 24 April 2018

All Details of Massage Treatment

Asian Male Massage Treatments by south Asian Male Massage Therapist.

Location: London Spitalfields. Postcode E1 7AJ.

Nearest stations: Liverpool Street, Aldgate and Aldagate East.

Availability: 7 days a week, from 9am until midnight.

 Standard Massage

A simple, relaxing treatment with light to medium pressure, using hands, performed on massage table. Both sides of the client's body (front and back) are massaged. Both long and short strokes are used.

60 minutes – £60
90 minutes – £80

Unique 3 Step Massage

A varied and more intense treatment mixing 3 different techniques; Sri Lankan ayurveda, Thai deep tissue and Keralan (south Indian) Kalari technique. Performed using hands, arms, elbows, knees and feet. Most of the treatment is done on the massage table. The last part is done on a thick yoga mat on the floor. Both sides of the client's body are massaged. varied strokes; long, short, single circular and double circular movements are used. Medium to deep pressure. CLICK HERE for detailed explanation.

60 minutes – £80
90 minutes – £100

For bookings please contact 078 7386 1344

PLEASE NOTE that new clients may be required to pay a non-refundable £30 deposit when making their first booking. 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

My Signature Treatment

Customers often ask for an explanation of my unique 3 step massage treatment. It is a mixture of 3 different styles; Sri Lankan, Thai and Keralan.  

I came up with this treatment after learning the different types of massage techniques in different regions; mainly East Asia and South Asia. 
A 60 minute or 90 minute treatment is recommended to experience the full benefits of this massage session. Clients have often told me that they have never experienced this type of treatment in the past. A regular client of mine who is well-travelled and has been to Thailand, Sri Lanka and India has had massages on a regular basis.

The first time he visited me, he was very pleased with the fact that this treatment of mine included movements and techniques that he had experienced in different countries. So that was very satisfying for me as there's nothing that makes me happier than seeing a client duly satisfied with the treatment he has paid for, and of course comes back for more!

During my unique 3 step treatment, I use both short and long strokes, circular and and also "zig-zag" type movements. I use my hands; palms, knuckles, fingers, and then move on to using my elbows and arms, and towards the end, use my knees and feet.   

Click Here for a detailed explanation of this treatment. 

RATES are £80 for 60 minutes or £100 for 90 minutes. 

For bookings please call  078 7386 1344

Thank you. 

Monday, 9 April 2018

The Importance of Finding the Right Masseur

With many benefits, from alleviating back pain to enhancing immunity, it appears that we could all be boosting our health by taking more massages. The upsides of massage can also be felt psychologically, as touch is such an imperative factor in human well-being.

To reap maximum benefits from massage, it is important to find a skilled masseur and then stick with them for regular sessions, as opposed to trying out a new clinic or masseur every time. 

Trust is vitally important when it comes to the masseur/client relationship. Attending your first session with a new masseur can be a nerve-wracking experience to some clients, especially those who have never had a massage before. 

After all, lying unclothed on a massage table can make anyone feel a little vulnerable. Although, a true professional will make you feel perfectly at-ease.

Once you have unclothed and lay on the massage table, I cover your body with a warm towel, and then only work on the part of the body that is exposed.

Some clients are comfortable being in the nude and prefer not to be covered with the towel. This is fine by me too. The client preferences are always taken into account.

For clients who wish to be covered, their private parts are always concealed. That way, the therapist maintains a professional and ethical practice while avoiding embarrassment to the client. 

A sign of an experienced massage therapist is that he or she handles draping/covering and uncovering in a quick way that makes you feel safe and comfortable. In ​fact you may not even notice it because they handle everything and let you know if you need to do anything, like turning over. The therapist will give you precise instructions, so you know what is happening and what is expected of you.  

The room temperature will be kept warm enough so that you, the client, is comfortable. If you are feeling too hot or too cold, then please let me, the therapist know. I always tell my clients to interact with me and be direct if there’s anything they need to say or ask or need me to change.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Reasons why Men should be getting Massages

Workout recovery – Massage is a necessity for men who play physical sports. Massage not only eases the onset of muscle soreness, but can speed healing by boosting the body’s circulatory and immune system. A sports massage is specifically designed to improve athletic performance.

Mood boost! Men are less likely to seek help when they’re feeling blue. While massage is not a substitute for more substantial mood therapies, the serotonin boost provided by massage can lift the blues and improve mental outlook.

Massage can alleviate physical symptoms of stress, like headache and high blood pressure, which can affect men especially as we age. A relaxing massage is perfect for reducing stress. Did you know that massage can even combat hangovers!

Cure desk stiffness – Men often suffer from back and neck pain, caused by sitting at a desk all day or repetitive injury. A massage can ease back and neck pain — plus, it feels great!

Be comfortable in your own skin – Normal male body reactions are totally fine in a massage. Some men tend to avoid massage because they are afraid they’ll get an erection. This is a normal physical reaction when the blood rushes around the body and of course "down there," and as a professional and experienced massage therapist, I will not be fazed at all!

Massage increases flexibility. Men are typically less flexible than women, which can make them more prone to injury and muscle pain.

Better sleep – About 20% of all men suffer from insomnia, an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Insomnia is associated with a lack of the hormone called serotonin, the “feel good hormone,” which is released in the body after a massage.  The sense of relaxation and well-being you feel after a massage helps men fall asleep and spend more time in deep sleep.

Cardiovascular wellness – Massage is good for heart health. It relaxes the body, boosts circulation and lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. All these things help reduce stress on the heart and improve cardiovascular health.

Manage back pain – Men are extremely prone to lower back pain. 25% will experience lower back pain in any given three month period. Avoid surgery for back pain — massage is proven to loosen tense muscles and ease back pain in men. Check out my previous post for more details on how massage can combat back pain.