Thursday, 29 March 2018

Gluteal Massage - Massaging the Body's Largest Muscles

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the human body. It is large and powerful because it has the job of keeping the trunk of the body in an erect posture. It is the chief anti-gravity muscle that aids in walking up stairs.

The gluteal muscle group -- commonly known as the glutes -- includes 3 muscles located at the back of each hip. The glutes are the major components of each buttock. Gluteus maximus is the largest and most superficial of the gluteal muscle group, which also include gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Gluteus maximus, along with the other gluteal muscles, serves many important functions. It stabilizes the pelvis and lower back, enabling an upright posture. It also has important roles in hip and thigh movements, and is a key player in powering walking, running and climbing.


Few body movements can be performed without the use of the gluteal muscles. Between regular use and the fact that many people spend the majority of the day sitting, the gluteal muscles end up in a state of constant tension. Tight glutes may be a cause of low back pain as well as pain and stiffness throughout the legs and hips. Butt massage will help alleviate the pain and tension associated with tight glute muscles, as well as offer beneficial effects for the rest of the body.

Reduce Pain and Stress

Butt massage can not only relieve pain and stress in the gluteal muscles, but it also offers the same benefits for the rest of the body. Massage on one part of your body produces chemical changes throughout the entire body that reduce pain and stress, according to a Sept. 4, 2008 article in "Newsweek."

Improve Blood and Lymph Circulation

The circulatory system works to carry oxygen and nutrients to your tissues while also removing waste. The lymph system delivers white blood cells and antibodies throughout your body to support your immune system. The gluteal region is rich in blood and lymph vessels, thereby immensely benefiting from massage therapy. The stroking movements performed during massage create a vacuum in the muscles to suck fluid through blood and lymph vessels as well as dilate the vessels to allow for greater nutrient transport, according to the Sports Injury Clinic.

Improve Muscle Recovery

Your gluteal muscles are at the core of every movement and, therefore, tend to become tight and sore after workouts. Incorporating butt massage into your exercise routine will help improve your muscle recovery time from muscular damage after a workout. A butt massage will improve blood flow and waste removal, increase tissue permeability, stretch hard-to-target muscle fibers and break down scar tissue, reports the Sports Injury Clinic. All of these attributes allow for more complete muscle repair and shorter muscle recovery time.

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