Tuesday 27 March 2018

Massage Treatments for Gentlemen Only

photo by HolidayPlace
Please note that my massage services are available to men only. I also do a specific treatments geared towards the male body. Please feel free to contact me on  078 7386 1344  for more details. I do tend to get a number of inquiries from ladies, although I have stated in my ads that I only treat men.

Sometimes, I get inquiries from women who want to book the massage for their boyfriend or husband. That is fine too. Your partner aside, why not treat your brother, father, uncle or male friend to a massage treatment?

I also get inquiries from couples and if you are a straight couple (male & female), then I am unable to see you both. I can only treat the man. If you are a male couple (gay), then I am happy to treat you both, but can only treat one of you at a time. I can even split the massage in to two halves and go back and forth, treating you both on and off.

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